Sunday, February 21, 2010

It Might as Well Be Spring

This week the crocus bloomed. For me, they are a symbol that spring is finally on it's way. Along with the blooms, came sunshine and warmth. It was so nice to see the kids playing outside again. All week they rode bikes, played horse shoes, flew kites, played on the swing set, and jumped on the trampoline.
It seems as though Mother Nature was just teasing us with this taste of spring, because tomorrow there is snow in the forecast. I guess we'll have to enjoy the winter for a little while longer, knowing that it won't last forever.
Spring is on it's way!


  1. I love spring because when we lived in Rexburg flowers started blooming, and than soon after conference was there and there was a great feeling in the air, a feeling of starting new, and lots of hope! I love it!

  2. Last Wednesday, I took my girls to Nathaniel's school and we had a picnic as it snowed on us. It was fun but super cold, Evelyn just had to be outside. So needless to say, I can't wait for Spring!
