Sunday, January 20, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Adam and Caleb took a road trip a couple of weeks before Christmas.

They drove to Utah, to pick up an Early Christmas present for Adam.
Adam had been Saving his fun money for a while, and I pitched in some that I had been saving so he could finally get the machine of his dreams.

Drum roll please................
A 2004 Skidoo 800 !!! 

I'm not a fan of all that cold white stuff, but Adam and the kids have been having tons of fun with this thing!  Adam's dad and brother Richard have snowmobiles too, so it's a great way for them to get to go out have fun together.
Uncle Richard and lil' Richard love snowmobiling. I think they need to move out of the valley and a little closer to us so they can enjoy it more often!

sometimes it gets a little tough to stay warm.

Time to Race! Which machine is fastest?

Look at that powder!

Our cute little snow bunny, Sarah!

Eliza loves riding the little snowmobile. Thanks Grandpa Gurr .

One thing Caleb loves the most about the snowmobile is that it doubles as a ski lift.
This kid is getting really good at snowboarding!

Another great Christmas surprise this year was that it snowed at our house on Christmas eve. It was our First White Christmas since we moved here five years ago.

A not-so-great Christmas Surprise came in the form of the Flu. Which hit me with such force that Christmas morning was a bit of a blur for me. I was literally curled up on a chair in the corner of the room while the presents were opened. I didn't even think of getting up to get the camera, so Christmas this year was picture-less.
Some of our favorite gifts were: a Pogo stick for Eliza, Lego's for Caleb and an American Girls doll (Caroline) for Sarah.
My Favorite gift was the Snuggie Lydia gave me. I used it all day!
At around noon, I was miraculously blessed with a bit of energy and managed to get Christmas dinner on the table complete with ham, potatoes, rolls, corn and a salad.
Once dinner was over, I was back in bed stayed there for over a week! NOT FUN!

Anyway, Merry Christmas!

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