Early Sunday morning on the 15th of December, we received a call letting us know that Adam's Grandpa, Thomas Gurr had passed away.
He had been very sick for quite a while, and was in a great deal of pain, so the news came as a bit of a relief for us. He will be missed, but we are happy that he is free from pain and he gets to be reunited with his loved ones who have already left this mortal life.
His funeral was held on Saturday, the 21st of December in Mesa. There were so many wonderful memories shared, but there were two that touched me the most. They were both told by Bishop Nevin. Grandpa served as his executive secretary while he was bishop. This calling required Grandpa to be sitting at a desk for long periods of time every Sunday. Due to some previous health problems, and a medical procedure that didn't go so great, It was very painful for grandpa to sit for very long. He never said a word of his condition to bishop Nevin, and it wasn't until some time later that the bishop found out that Grandpa would fast every Sunday in order to make the discomfort more bearable. Another example the bishop shared was that one evening he casually mentioned to grandpa that his car had been acting up and he just hoped it would get him to work on time in the morning. When the bishop went out to his car the next morning, he noticed Grandpa was parked out in front of his home. Grandpa said he just wanted to be there to give the bishop a ride in case his car didn't start. Come to find out, since Grandpa didn't know what time the Bishop needed to leave for work, he had been waiting there for him since 4:30 in the morning.
I am sure there are hundreds of stories like these that could be told of Grandpa. He showed his love for the Lord through his service in the church and to his fellow man. I am grateful for his exsample and for his legacy.
I know that if we live as we should, we will get to see grandpa again. I am so grateful to know that through our Savior, families can and will be together forever.
We Love you Grandpa.